Crushing self-inflicted U.S. debt ( Editor: Ordered by the Israelis controlling the USA ) is causing other nations, including China and Russia, to seriously contemplate scrapping the dollar as the main global reserve currency for purchases of oil, the most highly traded world commodity.
A July, 2010 report released by the U.N.’s Economic and Social Council concluded that “The dollar has proved not to be a stable store of value, which is requisite for a stable reserve economy.”
Also, as many nations can now be expected to scale back and delay nuclear plans, the international scramble for oil driving prices up, along with the weakened dollar, will diminish our competitive world market purchasing power.
Meanwhile, Japan, the second-largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury bonds (after China), will likely have to sell off some those investments to finance disaster relief and reconstruction efforts.
We can’t expect them to help bail us out from our own spending addictions any longer,
or rely upon China to do so either. Adding to the problems, loss of a significant amount of their electrical power though nuclear disruption will take a large toll on Japan’s industrial and economic health, interrupting supplies of part