When Jews Attack 170 – Victim – Rod Blagojevich – Attacker – District Judge James Zagel

Rod Blagojevich sentenced to 14 years over attempted sale of Obama’s senate seat

Rod Blagojevich, the disgraced former governor of Illinois who admitted trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison.

In a tearful plea for mercy before a Chicago court, Blagojevich said he had made “terrible mistakes” but insisted he did not know he was breaking the law when he sought $1.5m in bribes.

“My life is ruined, at least now,” he told the court. “My political career is over, I can’t be a lawyer anymore. We can’t afford the home we live in, we’re trying to sell it.

“I have nobody to blame but myself for my stupidity and actions and the things I did and I thought I could do.”

The stiff sentence handed down by District Judge James Zagel came a day after Blagojevich admitted 18 charges of corruption and brings to an end a three-year legal battle that began with a phone tap made by the FBI shortly after the 2008 election.

One the recording, the 54-year-old described his power to handpick a new senator to fill President Obama’s seat as “f—— golden” and was heard speculating about how it could be sold to raise campaign funds.
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Among the most damning charges was that he held up funding to every children’s hospital in the state after one hospital failed to give money to his campaign.

“He lied repeatedly. He is incredibly manipulative and he knows how to be. To his credit, he is clever about it,” prosecutor Reid Schar said.

In a bid to have the sentence reduced Blagojevich’s lawyers submitted a statement from his wife Patti and one of his daughters, but the judge was unmoved and questioned claims that he was “wonderful father”.