“I’m the one that brought you here. I’m the one that ultimately made decisions, and I’m the one that ultimately takes responsibility. So I am sorry, and it didn’t end up exactly as we’d hoped.”
Two Fridays ago, Steve Perlman told the 200 employees of cloud gaming company OnLive that it was all his fault. He thanked them for their hard work, and then he had HR show them the door with no severance pay.
Then, through a legal insolvency tool, Perlman transferred all of OnLive’s assets to a brand new company and took over as CEO, hiring back only a skeleton crew to keep the ship afloat.
Employees were mad as hell, but not just because they’d lost their jobs and benefits without warning. Former staffers told The Verge that though Steve Perlman was the technical genius behind OnLive, his ego was the company’s undoing.