Ronnie Fraser, a maths teacher, claims the University and College Union had repeatedly singled out Israel for condemnation at its annual conferences and created an intolerant environment in which “it is no longer tenable to be a Jew in UCU”.
Mr Fraser claims the UCU’s vote last year to reject the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia’s (EUMC) definition of anti Semitism is a breach of the 2010 Equality Act.
He is also suing the union for race and religious discrimination.
The UCU strongly denies the allegations.
In a statement to the tribunal, Mr Fraser, of a grandfather of nine from Kenton, Middlesex, said he had opposed a controversial motion passed by the union in 2007 calling for a ban on all Israeli academics working in the UK. It was put forward as part of the union’s campaign against the occupation of parts of Palestine by Israel.
He claims when he asked to hand out leaflets against the ban the union’s leadership stopped him, the tribunal heard.
He told the hearing that critics who speak out against the boycott are subjected to abuse, a “freezing out” by fellow trade union members and dismissed as “Zionists”.
In a statement he said: “I felt this was not in keeping with the union’s stance on equality. This was one of the many occasions where I felt my freedom of speech was stifled.”
The UCU was forced to repeal the motion after lawyers warned it amounted to discrimination. Despite this, various boycott motions have been proposed and passed, although not implemented, at the union’s national conference over the past three years.
The tribunal heard how other members who opposed the ban were also abused.
Jane Ashworth, Chief executive of the Street Games charity, told the tribunal she was accused of being a member of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad when she gave out anti boycott leaflets at the UCU national conference.
Branding the union’s boycott action “anti-Semitic” she said: “At this time the atmosphere was very bad. Jewish UCU members felt their rights had been undermined as Jews and the union had adopted policies and ways of working that cut out the possibility of them being heard.
“The word boycott had a terrible cultural reference for Jews. It has a profound and deep cutting effect because it resonated with Stalin’s Russia. The implication was that for Jews to be acceptable in society they must denounce other Jews.”
Mr Fraser, a modern Orthodox Jew, also claims he was targeted by fellow members who left anti Semitic comments on the union’s own online discussion forum, but that his complaints were repeatedly ignored by the union.
His relationship with the trade union hit a new low when in November 2009 the UCU invited Bongani Masuku, a spokesman for the South African Trade Unions who had committed a hate speech against Jews in South Africa, to talk at a conference in favour of boycotting Israel.
Mr Fraser said this is when he came to the “awful realisation that my union was a place where overt anti-Semitism could not only be tolerated but admired and respected”.
But the “tipping point” came last year when UCU voted to reject a definition of anti-Semitism.
Mr Fraser said he was left “shaking” and “almost in tears” because of the abuse he encountered in the debate where he opposed the move.
In a statement he said: “I’m not a person who gets easily upset but I did feel very upset by the way this had been handled – and how my view had been marginalised and ignored.
“Their rejection [of this definition of anti Semitism] was not accompanied by the adoption of any other definition, nor even the promise of one. To me, as a Jewish member of the UCU, this felt like a muzzle.
“What more curtailment of my freedom of speech could there be than the denial of the language to give voice to my most fundamental and personal fears?
“It is shocking that any group should be intimidated out of the union, discriminated against by officials, or have its concerns left unaddressed.”
In a statement the UCU’s barrister, Anthony White QC, said the union “stands firmly against anti Semitism” but is within its rights to debate motions on contentious topics such as the Israel-Palestine conflict.
He said: “The respondent is a democratic organisation with a campaigning role. Internal debate on political issues of interest and concern to its members is central to the existence and functioning of the respondent.
“The fact that he (and others) disagreed with a number of motions which were passed by the respondent’s congress, or with statements made by participants in the debates, or with certain opinions expressed by members of the respondent, does not mean that those motions or statements or expressions of opinion amount to harassment.”