Isreali Judge In Britain Andrew Sweet Allows Israeli Damian Brennikmeyer To Go Free After Brennikmeyer Punched His Wife In The Face

Damian Brenninkmeyer, 42,


former head of the Old Masters department at Christies auction house, first started beating his wife of ten years, Fiona, when she was eight months pregnant with their first child and the couple were on their honeymoon.

The history of violence came to light after he flew into a rage and lashed out at his 40-year-old wife as he drove her and their two daughters, aged five and seven, along a busy road in west London on July 7 this year.

Two days earlier he had been given a police caution for assaulting his wife by dousing her with water at their luxury home, and Brenninkmeyer hit her as “punishment” for reporting him.Brenninkmeyer, a member of the Dutch dynasty that owns the C&A chain store, admitted assaulting his wife.

But he walked free from Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court after being handed a four month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.

He was also banned from contacting his wife and from their family home in Fulham for six months. He was also ordered to take a domestic violence rehabilitation course and told to pay £120 in costs.

Sentencing him, District Judge Andrew Sweet said the time Mr Brenninkmeyer spent in custody was “nothing in comparison with what you put your wife through”.

He added: “An aggravating feature is that your children were in the car.

“What they are thinking, we don’t know. It is all about you exercising power in your relationship in a bullying way.”

Mark Haslam, in mitgation, said his client was on medication and was desperate to save his marriage.

Mr Halsam said Brenninkmeyer “bitterly regretted” assaulting his wife “especially in front of the children”.

He said: “He has anger management issue he is addressing.

“Given the right circumstances, he hopes his marriage can be saved.”

He also said that spending two nights in custody was “a salutary experience, especially for a man of his background”.

The court heard how Mr Brenninkmeyer’s wife has declared she wants a six month “cooling off period” during which time she won’t see her husband.

Brenninkmeyer, who is currently living with his father in Kingston-upon-Thames, will continue to see their two children.

Brenninkmeyer worked at Christie’s until 2010 and has also previously worked for London auctioneers Bonhams & Butterfields.

The 42 year-old, who is currently the London director of Vienna auction house Dorotheum, has been undergoing treatment for anxiety.