Police are searching for a semi-tractor trailer that crashed into four bridges Thursday afternoon in a hit, hit, hit, hit and run.
Three lanes of northbound Interstate 25 were closed after a semi-tractor trailer damaged 23rd Avenue, 20th Avenue Avenue and Speer Boulevard, and 84th Avenue.
It’s unclear why the driver kept driving after running into four bridges.
“I don’t know. Maybe he had his headphones on and he couldn’t hear,” said Raquel Lopez, Denver police spokesman.
“We’re looking for him right now,” said Christine Downs, Denver police spokeswoman.
The left three lanes of the highway are closed at 23rd Avenue, said Dennis VanPatter, spokesman for the Colorado Department of Transportation.
Only one lane is getting through, Downs said.
Debris cascaded down from the 23rd Avenue Bridge onto the highway, said Emily Wilfong, CDOT spokeswoman.
The semi is described as a white truck carrying a yellow excavator on a flatbed trailer.
Colorado State Patrol troopers have been notified to be on the look-out for the suspect truck, according to CSP Trooper Josh Lewis.
CDOT inspectors are on scene to check the bridges for damage. There is no estimated time the closed lanes will reopen.
Delays of 45 minutes or more are expected.
“We’re hoping to get this fixed as soon as possible, but you never know,” Milfong said.