New School’s Panel On Anti Semitism Attacked As Being Fake

It’s the very definition of Orwellian: a panel titled “Anti-Semitism and the Struggle for Justice” that’s actually meant to promote Israel-bashing.

Co-sponsored by The New School’s Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism program, the Nov. 28 event bills itself as “a discussion on how to combat anti-Semitism.” But it quickly reveals its true goal.

“When anti-Semitism is redefined as criticism of Israel,” reads the description, “critics of Israeli policy become accused and targeted more than the growing far-right.”

Translation: Pretend you merely hate Israel — and not Jews per se — and you can’t be called an anti-Semite.

Huh? How’s that a way to “combat anti-Semitism”?

Let’s be honest: Attacking Israel is often little more than a cover for Jew-hating, a point the State Department makes in its official definition of anti-Semitism.

And look who the panel is featuring — starting with Linda Sarsour, the former executive director of the Arab-American Association of New York and anti-Israel firebrand.

Never mind that her crudeness (she has tweeted such helpful comments as women’s-rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali is asking “4 an a$$whippin’ ”) and her implicit support for terrorists make her an odd choice for a college-sponsored forum.

She has also made common cause with noted anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, claims “nothing is creepier than Zionism” and objects to Jews (as opposed to other people) having a homeland. She’s the choice to co-lead a panel on anti-Semitism?

Meanwhile, Sarsour’s co-panelist, Re-becca Vilkomerson, who heads Jewish Voice for Peace, is also a revealing choice: The Anti-Defamation League says JVP uses its Jewish identity to shield the anti-Israel crowd from charges of anti-Semitism and to “provide the movement with a veneer of legitimacy.”

As ADL National Director Jonathan Greenblatt recently tweeted: “Having Linda Sarsour & head of JVP leading a panel on #antisemitism is like Oscar Meyer leading a panel on vegetarianism.”

Yet, most telling is the lack of any real anti-Semitism experts on the panel — or for that matter, even any moderates or conservatives.

No, this Israel-bash fest won’t “combat” anti-Semitism but only inflame it. And shame The New School for sponsoring it.