Journalist Kevin Meyers Fired For Column Commenting On Pay Status Of Female Jewish BBC Employees

The Sunday Times has been forced to apologise for printing “anti-Semitic” comments in a column which suggested that Claudia Winkleman and Vanessa Feltz are among the best paid BBC women because they are Jewish.

The column, penned by Kevin Myers, appeared in the Irish edition of the newspaper and was titled “Sorry, ladies – equal pay has to be earned”.

Israeli Father Sami Karra Stabs His Daughter Henriette Karra To Death Because He Doesn’t Like Her Boyfriend

Israeli authorities on Sunday charged an Israeli Christian father with murder for allegedly killing his teenage daughter because she was having a relationship with a Muslim man.

According to the charges, as reported in Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Sami Karra is accused of murdering his 17-year-old daughter Henriette after she left home in the central Israeli city of Ramle because of the family’s opposition to her romance with a Muslim.

San Francisco State University Sued For Alleged “Anti Semitic Atmosphere” On Campus

Lawsuit names university president and other officials as defendants, seeks monetary damages and court order to end behavior By JTA

A group of former and current Jewish San Francisco State University students and members of the local Jewish community have filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the university tolerates and encourages anti-Semitic activity.